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Minggu, 09 Juni 2013

Tugas Bhs.Inggris

Tugas B.Inggris

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Riky Andhika Sari   1101101
Ricki septiawan  11021010
Diyan pratiwi mustarsyidah 11011016
Waris 11011013
Gilang ramadhani 11011015
Arifathul fatjriah 11011002

Universitas Mercu Buana

Description: I:\2011_12_12\IMG.jpg

one day the A to the B is cool to talk. they promise to meet the next day to discuss a kepentingan.akan but it failed in because there is a problem in which Mr. A had an accident in his own home. so that the A failed to meet the B. Mr. A suffered wounds on her hands, when about to fix a light bulb in her home. he slipped while going up the stairs. he fell and his hand tertimbah stairs. and after the A healed, instantly find the B, to explain the chronology of events that resulted in the A can not come to see the B.


A : Yesterday I did not see you because today there is a small          incident that is beyond the plant.
B : Oh.. yes repetition incident yesterday?
A : Yesterday morninh I picket up a couch from the livingroom to divingroom. After I lifted the couch and than I replace the lights in the livingroom. When I want to replace the lights suddenly my toot stipped. So I tell and hit my hand,especianlly ladder having wound. I treat ment to the doctor and my hands got home from seeing some suture arter immediately break.
B : Eehm... I understan its  healthy.    

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