Marhaban Ya Ramadan ......
Ramadan come again, it's time for all Muslims in the world to run fast. Yes, in the Islamic fasting worship which includes educating the physical and spiritual. Fasting is left to eat, drink, smoking and anything to cancel from dawn until sundown.
In the hadith says "Fast ye become healthy people."Ramadanfasting by Muslims during the 30 days is full of meaning, besidesfulfilling the three pillars of the Islamic fasting memilki any healthbenefit. Inthis holy month Muslims do worship a very noble, fostering empathy andsocial awareness through infak and alms, forge themselves with angerand curb to curb lust. Fasting became the most delicious of worship performed by all Muslims in the world.
Institute Benefits of Fasting
Apart from the religious side, fasting from the point of even having a lot of health benefits. In the development of world health, fasting as a therapy to overcome health problems, more and more studied. Researchersassociate fasting with the purpose of controlling stress are also otherdiseases such as hypertension, cardiovascular, kidney cancer as well.
Withfasting there are some benefits that could be picked among others,provide an opportunity to rest on the appliance digestion, cleanse thebody of toxins and impurities that accumulate and damage the health,acid-base balance of the body, improve hormone functions required invarious physiological and biochemical processes of the body, andrejuvenate body cells. Rejuvenationof body cells during fasting the digestive organs and other organs arein a position to relax so the opportunity to repair the damaged selselalso be better, besides its function is also much improved.
The result, fasting completely, tubuhpun so much healthier.
During approximately 14-15 hours of fasting the body does not receive food supplies from outside. Expertssay that during the period that the body will use energy reserves arestill sufficient to do an activity, namely glycogen that comes fromfood that contains carbohydrates.
Sahur & Jurisprudence
Ceramic and break their fasting with a proper meal for days lived during fasting remained significant. The following tips can presumably be used:
-Eat meal-not excessive
-Eat a varied menu and adequate nutrition
-Avoid instant foods
-Reduce the foods containing high salt
-Drinking water is enough time before the dawn and Ruling
-Avoid excessive drinking sweet
-Drink food supplement
-Breaking with the palm-&-white water
-Avoid cold drinks / ice / soda
-Eat slowly phased &
-Give time 0.5-1 hours before eating a main dish
Forpatients with gastric pain-avoiding food: sticky rice, noodles, rawvegetables, fibrous, sharp flavor., Because it can increase stomachacid production.
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